Named for my past present and future interest in the Legendary SNK Neo Geo arcade hardware, I may touch on that aswell as all other things video game related ... or just whatever else comes to mind :-)

Monday, November 15, 2004

neojunkie: August 2004

neojunkie: August 2004

The last few years I have been somewhat preoccupied with death... Sort of strange , but when you think about it isnt really strange at all, its a plain and simple { well maybe not simple } fact of all our lives ,it is the inevitable end of our beings in our present state of existance... lol what ever the hell that is :)

The great mystery of death lingers above us all , we all want to know the answer but are generally not ready to find out ... Personally I hope its much more interesting than this "life" which is more like slave driven existance if you ask me. From day one we arent much more than cattle if you think about it ,pushed in all sorts of directions that almost none of us actually want to go in. Only to be beaten down bye all the rest of the unhappy drones that govern our world, where happiness is measured in seconds over what seems like an eternity of unfair ,unjust pure hate that we spread amongst ourselves without even realizing until it has consumed you.

Yes thats a grimm outlook to be sure but, I often think I take notice to alot of things that most do not !

Most people are almost totally robotic in how they live their daily lives and go on believing in half thought concoctions of what the world is supposed to be since they have no vision or thought of their own. People really are "sheep" if they werent then religion wouldnt exist, its that simple ... granted the flock would not agree with any of that statement but thats why I see it and they dont. I just cannot fathom why people are so anxious to go and believe damn near anything they are told beacuse its been around longer then they have and others "believe" in it.

If that isnt "sheep" I dont know what is. Probably 90% of the US is made up of brainwashed drones that think they have the answers to most things when in reality they dont even know the answer to why they think like they do. We are all way too quick to impose our will over other human beings and that is a truely sad thing... You know ? if the world would mind their own business and quit worrying about whos doing what to who and when like its their business to begin with ,I think it would be a much nicer pace with tons less bullshit to put up with.

There is a reason why everyone wants to have nothing to do with each other when we walk down the streets ,its the product of brainwashed society who cant "practice what they preach" at this point people dont want to even converse with oneanother anymore since it will infringe on their way of thinking.... No one is open minded anymore ! looks that way to me anyway. All I do know is ,I tend to see things in black and white with no blinders on to the horrors and reality of who we are and how we act, no sugar coating here.. Its like our civilization is a huge farce ... no one would dare speak about how they really feel its not politically correct ! personally I would like to shoot the bastards who started all that crap right between the eyes.. what a giant lie we are as people these days. makes me want to puke !

Probably the worst thing in the world are phony people and it seems like thats all there is everywhere any of us go,this country is in serious trouble and in the years to come the US as we knew it will be gone forever ,the national language will not be english any longer and the government will cease to be a democracy ,,, you scoff and say no way .....well just watch .... look what is happening to California right now now compound that bye ohh say 50 and then go ahead about 50 years and see what you have ! Pretty spooky isnt it ,Im glad I wont be around to see it myself. What ever comes next has got to better than this and if it isnt and there is a god Im kickin the loser prick in the nuts :)

On a totally unrelated note :) and probably happier too... Ive been playing Midways Arcade Treasures 2 on the POS2 quite a bit , pretty good repops of the real roms , the sound sort of sucks but trhey did a good job overall. I spent about a week playing Gauntlet II to level 627 ...needless to say I wont be playing that for some time yet :)


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